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Spotlight – First BNI Member in the World to Become a Monthly Super Hero

I recently interviewed Jonathan Jenkins, member of BNI Platinum Coast Chapter in Lake Forest, CA, and   immediate past Education Coordinator. Last year he filmed all his chapter members’ presentations and made them available, branded with their company’s material, at no cost to them! He is a real giver and he has the distinction of being the first BNI member to support the BNI Foundation with monthly contributions in our Super Hero program.

Here are the highlights of my interview:

Beth: Why did you decide to become a regular supporter of the BNI Foundation?

Jonathan: Last year was the first BNI International Conference I attended. That is where I first learned about the BNI Foundation. I had become more involved in BNI at that time, first, as a Leadership Team member, then as the Education Coordinator. I have two teaching credentials and have been teaching for years. I really believe in education. BNI has given a lot to me─actually, my business is solvent due to BNI. I viewed contributing in the Monthly Super Heroes Program as a way to give back to BNI, plus because it was in support of education, how could I resist? Knowing that the donations are going back into the classrooms, and also knowing how much of my own money I have spent in the classroom, it seemed like a natural fit.I felt I was joining hundreds of people and $100 didn’t seem like lot to commit to. I trust your and Ivan’s work in the world.

Beth: What would you say to encourage any other members to consider supporting the BNI Foundation?

Jonathan: I would say,give! You have the chance to give directly to schools─especially appealing is the fact that the BNI Foundation is supporting schools internationally. You can have confidence that the funds you contribute are going to be used wisely. What other foundation out there gives directly to the individual teacher AND takes no administrative fees out of your contributions? The BNI Foundation is having a solid impact on education around the world in exactly the way it is needed.

Beth: What other plans do you have to support the BNI Foundation?

Jonathan: I focus on one non-profit organization each year to which to donate my time, services and support. This coming year, I have chosen to produce a documentary about the BNI Foundation. I will be filming this documentary to highlight the worldwide scope of your Givers Gain® work for education. I really love the simplicity of Givers Gain as a philosophy…it is not just a phrase, it is a verb! The BNI Foundation provides an opportunity to practice that in a really great way.

Beth: Ivan and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, Jonathan, for your wonderful support of the work of the BNI Foundation. Your contribution last year of $100 per month in our Super Heroes Program allowed one teacher to receive a Givers Gain® Grant of $1000 and started the funding of a second grant. Thank you so much for your support!

To find out how you can become a Monthly Super Hero, go to

About Jonathan Morgan Jenkins:

With two Degrees in Music Education and Film Production with teaching credentials, Jonathan uses all of his talents to produce Professional Video content at Performance Production Services. Performance Production Services specializes in Video Production for Documentaries, Business Online Video Marketing, Business Events, Grand Openings, Seminars, Training Videos, Online Training, Weddings, Family, Birthday and Anniversary Milestones, Post Production, Digital Audio Production, Sound Design, Custom Music Soundtrack and Voice Over.

Contact him today to produce your Professional Video Production!

Jonathan Jenkins can be found on the web at or may be contacted at (949) 842-9351 or emailed at

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