At Home Volunteer Opportunities.
Today is the last day of National Volunteer Week. It is a time to reflect and show appreciation for all of the volunteers who provide their time and energy unselfishly to people and issues that need attention and help. It is also a time to consider how we can help. Below are some volunteer opportunities to explore during the current quarantine. Most of these volunteer activities are convenient to participate in from home and will be easy to continue even when we are no longer confined.
BOOKS is dedicated to offering books to those with reading disabilities including vision impairments, dyslexia and learning disabilities. Online volunteering opportunities include scanning books into their database and editing books scanned in by others.

A great option to help in your own neighborhood is by following the lead of our volunteer of the year, Brian Bentzen. He set up a “social distancing neighborhood library” where kids can share their books. This is a great way to stay connected in your community while sheltering in place.
MENTORING is a platform where students, “who want to be you when they grow up,” ask questions that you, as an experienced professional in your field, answer. You will need a LinkedIn account to take part. Sharing your expertise with students is a great way to practice Givers Gain® in the spirit of the mission of the BNI Foundation.
COUNSELING is a free national crisis intervention and counseling service conducted through SMS texting. Set up for individuals dealing with issues like bullying, self-harm and suicidal thoughts, it is currently being used by many having a particularly hard time with isolation during the quarantine. Volunteering involves a screening, online training and weekly four-hour shifts answering texts from people needing emotional support. If you could benefit from this service, text HOME to 741741.
Those with certain health conditions and the elderly are more susceptible to the serious effects of Covid-19. This increases the risk of running errands where they will come in contact with others. If you go to the store for groceries and medicine, consider doing the shopping for your at risk neighbor to minimize their risk. Always follow the recommended social distancing guidelines and practice increased hygiene in all of your volunteering activities.